Pleasure to make your acquaintance; my name is Aisha and I am the owner and proprietor of ‘Perfect Little Parcel’, a highly successful and innovatory business.
Sewing runs in my blood, my Great-Grandmother having been the seamstress for a small Welsh village. I have a special interest in historical costume, researching, reproducing and creating period clothing and accessories. I began wearing my own handmade, historical wardrobe in 2020, and haven’t looked back since.
Perfect Little Parcel was established in 2015, the shop taking a brief hiatus as I acquired an education in order to hone and perfect my skills. I was formally trained in Theatrical Costume Construction at the institute of Bournemouth University of the Arts, successfully graduating in 2019.
I am a firm believer in vintage fashion not vintage values, and I cater to males, females and everything in-between. Beauty comes in every form, shape and size and none shall be ostracised, banished or rejected for any reason.